Quamby Home is blessed with very high quality red/chocolate free-draining soils ideally suited to high value crop and livestock production.
Tasmania is home to the world’s cleanest air and water and possesses a significant matrix of irrigation schemes across the state that enable it to produce high value crops and livestock.
Tasmania is responsible for a particularly high percentage of the country’s seed production (for replanting) due to the island’s quarantine advantages and GMO free status (which mainland Australia doesn’t possess). The Dairy industry is significant too in Tasmania, with the largest dairy farm in the country at Woolnorth on the North-Westest coast of the state.
Tasmania produces over 50% of the world’s opium poppy extract for medicinal purposes. Of that quantity, 85% of the world’s Thebaine (used in Oxycontin / Endone and a family of similar prescription pain medicine), as well as 100% of the world Oripavine (which is used to counter various medicinal addictions world-wide) are produced in the state. It also produces 25% of the global volume of older and more traditional global pain killers such as codeine.
Crops harvested during the 2014/15 season at Quamby Home include opium poppies (Thebaine), grass seed, carrot seed, onions, wheat and clover seed. Our paddocks are also home to the fattening of store lambs during the spring period.
The farm has seen extensive investment in infrastructure since late 2013 with the addition of two large pivot irrigators that cover 90% of the property, extensive underground drainage and 4kms of underground piping and pumps to the Meander River nearby.